How to Delete Your Instagram Account


Instagram is a new method of sharing a mobile photo, video, and application online via social media sites. It is a great way of contacting new customers and showing them your product or service.

Benefits of Instagram for Your Business?

  • More businesses & consumers
  • Easy to target your audience
  • Use all the visual marketing features
  • Engage with customers

Sometimes you want to delete your account for some reason.

Reasons Behind Deleting the Instagram Account?

  • Being a victim of trolls or haters.
  • Beginning a new Instagram marketing strategy.
  • Getting bothered by all social networks.
  • The brand will cease soon.

Also, social media management can help in making the right decision before deleting the account. If you follow these instructions, it will be just a piece of cake:

  • The first step is to enter your Instagram page from a computer or mobile browser.
  • Go to the Delete Your Account Page: (
  • Since you are on the right track, a page will appear with this question: " Why are you deleting your account?"
  • The next step is to log into the account you want to delete. Then, you should enter your username and your password to confirm the deletion.
  • The last step is to click on the red button that indicates the following: ‘Permanently Delete my account.’

Things to consider before deleting your account

  • Remember to download all your photos and videos, or you will lose them forever.
  • Make sure to delete the App from your mobile; it will take just a minute.

One more thing When you delete your account, your username will also no longer be available for use. Finally, deleting your account on Instagram isn’t a big deal; follow our steps, and everything will be okay.  

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