Types of Corporate Videos & How to Use Them


Maxart narrows down the different types of Corporate Videos and how to use them in promoting your brand.

First, let us understand what the aim of producing corporate videos by answering the following questions is:

How can your target audience buy your product or subscribe to your channel if they do not understand its benefits or service? Do they still have the same interest in your product or service? What is the best way to convey the concept of ​​your product or service?

Of course, the best way is to produce a corporate video because it is the best thing that makes the advertisement look creative and efficient at the same time.

Why is Corporate Video Important for a Business?

Every company has its own message to make a product or service be sold. Videos can be very vital when they convey the right message, grasp the audience's interest, and urge them to take a call to action. Choosing the right type of corporate video will definitely help your brand target the right people.

What Are the Types of Corporate Video?

Company Profile Video

It is considered one of the most effective videos to build a connection with the audience. The duration of this kind of videos is between 3 to 5 minutes, showing company founders and executives talk about the company's story and how they work hard to build the company.

Video Blogging (Vlogs)

It is a form of blogging where the video can be used as a tool to present the content of the product or service.


In this one, it is possible to present a video with customers to share their experience or testimonial about the product or service that they buy or subscribe to.

Product/Service Demo Videos

In this type, videos are created to demonstrate a product or service or show a live experience of using a customer or an influencer. These videos are so effective in providing the audience with comprehensive reviews on them.

Infographic/Educational Videos

Producers provide videos with useful educational materials to the targeted customers related to the services or products. The goal of this type is to explain the way of using the product or service.

Recruitment Video

Each company should build a connection with its customers and employees to give a quick hint about the way the company follows. We can say that it is another chance to talk about the company from a different perspective.

Branding Video

The main aim of brand-values videos is not to increase sales but also to raise the awareness of your brand. The best way to do this kind of videos is by creating a story that grabs your audience's attention. Do you know why? For building an emotional connection between your product or service with your customer.

Corporate Events Video

Believe it or not, throwing a successful corporate event video is a tough job. Our event planners at maxart do everything they can to make sure everything runs smoothly. Don't hesitate to call us; we are really qualified!

Social Responsibility Video

When our valued customers contact us to produce Corporate Social Responsibility media, our passion drives us to produce the amazing human story behind the message. These are the campaigns that get us really excited because we touch humans' hearts.

Live Broadcasts

They are so important to make your product or service appear more on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Choosing the right types of corporate videos to make will help define your brand in the market. We hope that our picks will help you in planning and producing your amazing company video.

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